meet the Collective

Jared Peterson

Jared Peterson

Decision Scientist, Behavioral Scientist, Co-Founder

Harnessing the science of behavior with the science of expertise to change behavior and improve decision-making

United States


A little bit about me

Jared weaves the science of behavior change with Naturalistic Decision-Making which researches how individuals navigate choices in complex situations marked by uncertainty, high stakes, time pressure, and dynamic environments. Recognizing that generic interventions often overlook the subtleties of a situation, he emphasizes the importance of context as well as understanding both the strengths and weaknesses of intuition. Drawing upon this multi-disciplinary approach, Jared addresses diverse challenges, from enhancing the ability of apps to effect behavior change, to healthcare worker compliance, to training de-escalation strategies in law enforcement. Particular interests: expert intuition, complex decision making, healthcare provider behavior, behavior change apps and app engagement, international development Jared also has a soft spot in his heart for the Mayan populations in Mexico and Guatemala, with whom he has worked previously.


- B.S. in Psychology, and minor in Organizational Behavioral from BYU-Hawaii - MSc in Behavioral and Decision Sciences at University of Pennsylvania

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Independent minds.
Shared purpose.


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